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Admin Guidelines(119)

Advanced Mode Themes (Mobile) > Plus App > Marketing features

Set up nudges to incite customers to download your app or place an order through your app. App installation nudge App installation nudge settings Use a pop-up to invite shoppers on your online store (mobile version) to install your app. Pop-up nudge When enabled, the pop-up will appear once users access your online store’s mobile version. Use this feature to promote your mobile app. It is proven to positively influence the app installation rate. You must customize the button’s design before using this feature. Display settings Choose when to display the pop-up to shoppers on your online store (mobile version). You can either decide to display the pop-up immediately when shoppers access your online store’s mobile version or after they have viewed three pages. The [Install] button will redirect Android users to the Google Play Store and iOS users to the App Store. Pop-up type -You can choose between three different types of pop-ups: image, button or notification type. Image type This is an image pop-up. You can select one of the ready-made Plus App images or import one of your own. Button type These are simple button nudges. They are straight-forward and optimized for mobile devices, inciting visitors to take action with a single tap. You can freely customize the text and color of each button. Notification type These nudges look like default notifications from the users device. They have the advantage of completely blending in with the rest of shopper’s smartphone, offering a harmonious user experience. You can freely customize the text for this pop-up. Pop-up examples In-app order nudge In-app order nudge settings Add a button in the product details page of your online store’s mobile version to encourage customers to place their purchase via your app. Nudge button The in-app order nudge button will be displayed below the [Buy] button in the product details pages of your online store’s mobile version. You must customize the button’s design before using this feature. Clicking on the nudge button: Shoppers who have the app: Users will be redirected to the same product details page within the mobile app Shoppers who do not have the app: Android users will be redirected to the Google Play Store and iOS users to the App Store, from which they can install the app. Button type Image button This is an image that contains a button. You can select one of the ready-made Plus App images or import one of your own. Text button This is a simple button nudge that is optimized for mobile devices. You can freely customize the text and color of each button. App usage nudge settings App usage nudge settings Use a pop-up to invite shoppers on your online store (mobile version) to use your mobile app App usage nudge When enabled, the pop-up will appear once users access your online store’s mobile version. Shoppers will be redirected to the app or the installation page if they tap on the pop-up. Display location Choose one of the following options depending on where you wish to load your pop-up. Custom selection Select a specific page from your online store. Double check your page paths in [Smart Themes editor>All pages]. ※ Edit your theme in [Themes (Mobile)] to open Smart Themes. Enter the file path relevant to the page on which you wish to display the pop-up. (E.g., /product/search.html) You can only add up to 10 paths. You may choose to display the nudge on all the pages relevant to the file path or on specific pages. To add specific pages, click the [Add page] button and enter the page URLs without the domain information (e.g., /product/list.html?cate_no=617). Homepage Shoppers who access your online store’s homepage through their mobile browser will be invited to use or install your mobile app. If the app is already installed on the shopper’s device, tapping on the pop-up will launch the app. If the shopper has not already installed the app, s/he will be redirected to the App Store (iOS devices) or the Google Play Store (Android devices) to install the app.